- Adult Health Nurse Practitioners
- Utah
- Slc
About Adult Health Nurse Practitioners: Adult Health NPs: Adult Health Nurse Practitioners can evaluate, diagnose patients overall wellness, and conditions such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, sports injuries, and other ailments. ANPs can see patients and promote healthy living and wellness. They can perform physical examinations, order and interpret tests, prescribe medications and treatments, and can also provide education and counseling to patients on wellness strategies and disease prevention.
3 Adult Health Nurse Practitioners found in SlcFreida Johnson-allen, APRN
Adult Health Nurse Practitioner
4568 Highland Dr, Suite 290, Slc, UT - 84117
801-274-6127 801-274-6129
Ms. Lynn Ann Morrison, APRN
Adult Health Nurse Practitioner
650 East 4500 South, Suite 210, Slc, UT - 84107
801-288-2634 801-288-1186
Nance Lee Allen, MPH, MS, APRN
Adult Health Nurse Practitioner
3191 Valley St, Ste #210, Slc, UT - 84109
801-487-2889 801-487-0859