- Adult Health Nurse Practitioners
- Louisiana
- Alexandria
About Adult Health Nurse Practitioners: Adult Health NPs: Adult Health Nurse Practitioners can evaluate, diagnose patients overall wellness, and conditions such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, sports injuries, and other ailments. ANPs can see patients and promote healthy living and wellness. They can perform physical examinations, order and interpret tests, prescribe medications and treatments, and can also provide education and counseling to patients on wellness strategies and disease prevention.
5 Adult Health Nurse Practitioners found in AlexandriaSadie Mccauley Ardoin, NURSE PRACTITIONER
Adult Health Nurse Practitioner
211 4th St, Box 30162, Alexandria, LA - 71301
Beckie Leigh Vincent
Adult Health Nurse Practitioner
3311 Prescott Rd, Suite 417, Alexandria, LA - 71301
Sharon Coleman, NP
Adult Health Nurse Practitioner
2495 Shreveport Hwy, Alexandria, LA - 71301
318-473-0010 318-483-5132
Mrs. Kaitlin Harris Miller, NP
Adult Health Nurse Practitioner
176 Versailles Blvd, Alexandria, LA - 71303
318-445-9331 318-619-6899
Mickey Ross Duos, APRN, BC
Adult Health Nurse Practitioner
3311 Prescott Rd Ste 100, Alexandria, LA - 71301
318-442-3384 318-442-3385